(a decent recording!)
Take a breath. One month left in 2022.
After several months of constant motion, an odd feeling has overcome me. I’m feeling…settled? Two massive reasons why:
Our home base is mostly in place1, and
The travel is finally done. No more trips to take me away from building a new home.
There’s still the natural distractor of a winter World Cup — which, how am I not going to watch all the football?2 — but largely speaking, there’s order in my life.
Amazing. A clear head.
I spent this morning thinking about being deliberate. Surely framed from the excellent book that’s bounced around my backpack for the past month, my mind had a goal today.
Take the train ride, don’t touch your phone, and think about why this idea is nesting in your brain.
Train rides used to be my favorite piece of the work day. The ride home on the L, in particular, was reflection ground for the better part of a decade.3 The time was crazy important for me. Being ever so slightly detached from the emotions of a workplace where you’re trying to do real work made it possible to consider myself in another light. Gosh, was it needed.
So many realizations came from that time. How I framed myself to others. Why — with all the boyish weaknesses. What I was really hoping for. Where I was actually aiming. Reflection, as it is for most of us, is helpful, enlightening, painful, and often all of them at once.
But it’s important, especially for someone clueless and actively in search of where they’re going (as I was then). Most of the time, we don’t have a coach to give us feedback. Not the type that really cuts to the core identity we need to challenge.
Thinking about being deliberate scratched that itch. Clearly, internally, I’m wanting something. It’s why I’m feeling called to think about it.
I’ll spare you the details, but the gist is threefold.
As I choose to pursue a path that’s led me physically away from many of the folks I love, the further I have to dive into being deliberate with my time. To know what we must do, we deliberately look. We try. We get uncomfy on the way realizing we are so beyond far off of what we thought.
To do our best, we have to deliberately focus. This, to a T, has never been my strong suit. I’m a classic dreamer-tinkerer4, and I like floating in many different realms of thought + work. Think: many small projects, many big dreams.
Ultimately, to be deliberate is to aim to produce quality. And quality, that magical output of our work, shows the world a better way through our work.5 A way of living intentionally.
That sense of quality is what I want to produce. Hence, it’s time.
Earlier this week, I stepped back from something interesting and actively brewing. In a way, it’s the opposite of my MO.
The research grant I’ve been working on has turned into a proper product, and yesterday was launch day. SamePage — a web protocol that connects digital notebooks — is now in private beta, and a healthy chunk of folks are using this to collaborate today across Roam, Obsidian and Logseq.
Google Docs be damned, we built a collaboration tool.

Yet, even in the fun and excitement, it’s clear I couldn’t focus my best energy here splitting time. The Heyday work has me glowing. The folks are of my kind, the chance is real, and the team is growing. To take the best swing I can, I’m choosing to spend my time here.
With the train rides returning once again, there’s clarity with it. Maybe a touch more wisdom, too. I’ll consider it honing my aim.
And because we’re not just a reflection robot, being deliberate also comes in fun forms — like learning how to make pizza.6
Happily to announce, our first foray into homemade dough resulted in a layered, flaky and crispy crust that legitimately had us asking if we’d stumbled upon something.
When I start the inevitable pizza drops here in Oakland, #1 (homemade pesto mozzarella on 24-hour buttercrust) will be on the menu.

I actually want to get good here, so tools, advice, and connections are all welcomed.
excitement wise,
we’re surely enjoying the strong play of the USMNT, and a saturday morning wakeup against the dutch sets the stage for an extended run. go go USA.
i’ve also introduced my co-workers to the glory of team FIFA World Cup runs, and yeah. we’re firing on all cylinders.
tunes wise, we’re dabbling. the primary speaker in the kitchen area carries a smaller, less refined sound, which changes the type of tunes we’ve been listening to.
regardless, i’ve been nothing short of hooked on ari lennox’s latest, a/s/l.
can i get in that hoodie?
Thanks Donna. You’ve done a savior’s work.
Or soccer, if you want to call it that. If you’re salty about my choice of words, you should ask yourself why.
The years I spent awake to improving myself, namely. I also had a seat on most of those rides facing out at a lovely city, which really helped more than I can account for.
To reduce myself to an outline. I love thinking about grand ideas, playing with many different things at once, starting projects, and connecting dots. I need collaboration with others to help me focus and amplify my energy.
And inevitably makes you well-off, should you do it well.
Because really, you just gotta try. Shortly after I decided I wanted to get good, from complete scratch, I watched this Chris Bianco piece and tell me you aren’t fired up. Beyond inspired.
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