Hello there!
This is Shorthand, and I’m Brendan. Once a month, I send you an update — a blend of what's going on in my head, my recent design work, and insights you can use in work/life.
So what’s Shorthand?
I think of shorthand as the tl;dr — the insight with just enough detail to pique your interest and dive in yourself.
It’s also the expert's expertise, spoken in tongues for close collaborators. Shorthand moves us beyond the basics in conversation, gliding over the hard-earned details we learned from years of mistakes and ahas.
Knowing someone’s shorthand feels like hacking into higher levels of their cognition, and thus, a conversation that feels like you know them.
Understanding the language of our greats — the shorthand, if you will — can help us grasp deeper concepts about how the world works. It helps us talk about what we see, and gives us the language to create our own understanding.
That’s what I hope to convey in this monthly note. Shorthand aims to pass along unique expert knowledge — not in clouded technical jargon, but within the context to piece together your own thoughts, with the links to chase down your questions.
Cool! Let’s chat.
If you dig this, my schedule is always open for a chat. You can throw some time on my calendar here. 😎
Yr friend,